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I first heard the "inside Job" theory of the 9/11 attack in late 2001, just as U.S. troops were moving into Afghanistan, ironically from a Christian Pakistani immigrant. I thought he was off his rocker, but to my horror the insanity has spread. Websites, documentaries, even famous actors are running around preaching that the USA attacked itself.

I do not want them to live in that era again. However, I do want them to know what it was like so they can be an active part of society to make sure it does not happen again.

The next reason HBO is so popular is the movies. This is what originally made HBO what it is today. HBO gives the perfect blend of older, popular movies with brand new box office hits. HBO ensures that they will have movies that their customers care about seeing. There is nothing worse than signing up for a movie channel, paying the extra money per month, and then finding that you haven't heard of a single movie they have on their list. Old and new, HBO brings you the movies that you want to see. The other great option that has increased in popularity is HBO's high definition options. More people are buying televisions with HD capabilities. As more people want this feature, the television networks are responding accordingly.

I'm in the process of raising money now for a project in Africa and I've literally sent hundreds of emails, applied for grants all over the world and spoken with people on three continents trying to get it made.

The way you speak and your ability to hold a decent conversation. I was once enraptured by a girl whose voice it thought was golden. Not only that he diction and vocabulary was rather impressive. She was a great conversationalist. She listened and asked the right questions at the right time. Many people tend to be afraid to speak to strangers because they don't know what to say. Its rather simple. Always start by introducing yourself and asking the person their name. You can easily follow this up by telling them where you are from or what field of work you are in and ask about theirs. Find out if they enjoy their work, why they chose that profession etc. To increase you vocabulary, try reading at least 10-15 minutes a day and also listening to radio and television documentaries.

As far as theatrical films on the subject, the most well-known is "The Great Raid," (2005, Miramax) although that film really doesn't focus on the Death March, but on the raid of Camp Cabanatuan in January 1945. This mission was to rescue 500 remaining Death March survivors from Japanese captivity.

Diehard video game fans compete to break World Records on classic arcade games. What an unusually, brilliant look at the formidability of gaming nuts. I was hooked by the plight of Steve Wiebe, as he tries to break the world Donkey Kong record.

All day you have to be on your game and make hundreds of decisions with the crew constantly asking you questions. Taking time reality tv some time for yourself is really, really important to keep your body relaxed and your mind sharp.

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